
When the References menu item is selected, the Umler System Reference Materials page opens with a list of links to reference documentation (Exhibit 350). Documents and/or links include:

·         Umler User Guide

·         Umler™ Data Specifications Manual

·         Umler™ Industry Reference and Load Files

·         Umler™ Component Registry User Guide

·         Umler™ Component Registry Data Specification Manual

Exhibit 350. Umler System Reference Materials

Description: U:\Technical Writer\Umler\Graphics\Helplink.PNG

Note:   The appearance of the Umler System Reference Materials page is subject to change.


To view a reference document, select its link. The document opens in a new window.

When finished viewing the document, close the window (select the Close button, select the upper right “X”, or press Alt+F4). Likewise, when finished with the documents reference page window, close it.

To download a PDF of a reference document, right-click its link and select  “Save Target As….