Add Equipment to Group

Note:   Equipment cannot be added to a group from a regular Equipment Query. The query must be from Company-Specific Equipment Groups Search Results (Equipment View) page (Exhibit 174).


To add equipment to a Company-Specific Equipment Group:

1.      Select Maintenance>Company-Specific Equipment Groups>Add Equipment to Group. The Add Equipment to Company-Specific Equipment Groups page is displayed
(Exhibit 176).

Note:   Up to four Group ID equipment additions can be processed at one time on this page.


Exhibit 176. Add Equipment to Company-Specific Equipment Groups

Description: U:\Technical Writer\Umler\Graphics\M_Gadd04.PNG

2.      Type the Equipment ID(s) in the field.

Note:   If coming from a Group search results equipment view, the Equipment ID(s) field is populated with selected Equipment IDs.


3.      Type in the known Group ID, or use the lookup icon (Description: U:\Technical Writer\EMIS\Graphics\Icons\iconLookup.gif) to search for a Group ID. The Company-Specific Equipment Group Lookup page is displayed (Exhibit 177).

Exhibit 177. Company-Specific Equipment Group Lookup

Description: U:\Technical Writer\Umler\Graphics\M_Gadd02.PNG

a.       Enter criteria to locate the appropriate Group. Refer to Exhibit 165 for field descriptions.

Note:   Group fields are not available on the lookup page.


b.      Select Search. The Company-Specific Equipment Group Lookup Search Results page is displayed.

Exhibit 178. Company-Specific Equipment Group Lookup Search Results

Description: U:\Technical Writer\Umler\Graphics\M_Gadd03.PNG

c.       Select the radio button beside the group desired and select OK. The Add Equipment to Company-Specific Equipment Groups page is redisplayed with the selected group (Exhibit 179).

Exhibit 179. Add Equipment to Company-Specific Equipment Groups (completed)

Description: U:\Technical Writer\Umler\Graphics\M_Gadd04.PNG

4.      Select Submit to add the equipment. A data submission page is displayed (not shown). Select OK. The Company-Specific Equipment Groups link page is displayed (Exhibit 170).