Save Query
Queries that might be used again can be saved. Saving queries helps save input time and ensures consistent results (e.g., doing the same query across several roads). When a query is saved, the Save Query Attributes page is displayed (Exhibit 57).
Exhibit 57. Save Query Attributes
Type a name in the Query Name field. Optionally, type a description in the Query description field that make selecting the correct query easier. Select Save. The query is saved, and the Equipment Query page is redisplayed with the saved query in the top table (Exhibit 58).
Exhibit 58. Equipment Query (with saved query)
Reuse a Query
To reuse a saved query, select the Saved Query tab. Select the Query Name link. The page (all tabs, if used) is populated with the saved query. Make required changed (e.g., date changes, or RR changes, etc., and select a processing option (Exhibit 47).
Delete a Query
To delete a saved query, select the Saved Query tab, and select the Delete link to the right of the query in the Action column.