Add New Component

Components must be registered in the Component Registry to be associated with a piece of equipment. To add a new component registration:

1.      Log onto Umler as described in Logging In. The Umler Welcome page is displayed (Exhibit 8).

2.      Select Component Registry>Registration. The Search Component Registry tab page is displayed (Exhibit 12).

3.      Select the Add New tab. The Add New Component to Registry panel is displayed (Exhibit 18).

Exhibit 18. Add New Component to Registry

4.      The Company Code defaults to the user’s company.

5.      Type the ID number to be assigned to the component. Up to 10 digits.

6.      Select the Component Type from the drop-down.

7.      Select Add. The number is validated and the Base Elements section of the information is displayed (These sections vary by Component Type).

·         Select the Code link to view element help in a new window. Close the window when finished with the help. Elements with a red dot () are mandatory. Data Types: Text, Numeric, or Timestamp/Date.

·         Mandatory elements have an asterisk.

·         Use calendar icons to select dates.

·         Use drop-down lists if provided.

·         Required formats are shown at the right of the field.

8.      Complete the interface for the appropriate Component Type.

a.       For Bolsters, go to Add Bolsters, before returning to Step 9.

b.      For Couplers, go to Add Couplers , before returning to Step 9.

c.       For Side Frames, go to Add Side Frames, before returning to Step 9.

d.      For Wheelsets go to Add Wheelsets, before returning to Step 9.

9.      When all mandatory elements are complete, select Save.

a.       If any input errors have been made, a red error message is displayed at the top of the page (Exhibit 19).

Exhibit 19. Failed Add Component Transaction Message (bottom shows the error at right)




Description: U:\Technical Writer\CEPM\Graphics\CRegad07a.PNG

b.      If input is validated, a green success message is displayed at the top of the page
(Exhibit 20).

Exhibit 20. Add New Component to Registry Success Message

10.  To add another component, select Add New. To edit the current component again, select Edit. If finished, select another menu item.

Add Bolsters

Exhibit 21. Add New Bolster


1.      Complete the interface.

a.       Select the trademark lookup icon () to open the Trademark Select panel to select the Foundry Facility Code (Exhibit 22).

Exhibit 22. Trademark Select

Exhibit 22 shows the ASFG company radio button selected. Select Select to close the panel and return to the Add panel with the selected trademark.

b.      The Component Defect Flag (C007) is for Railinc Administrators only.

2.      Return to Step 9 for Save instructions and troubleshooting.

Add Couplers

Exhibit 23. Add New Coupler

Description: U:\Technical Writer\CEPM\Graphics\CRadc01.png

1.      Complete the interface.

a.       Use the trademark lookup () to open the Trademark Select panel to select the Coupler AAR Facility Code. Refer to Exhibit 22.

b.      The Component Defect Flag (C007) is for Railinc Administrators only.

2.       Return to Step 9 for Save instructions and troubleshooting.


Add Side Frames

Exhibit 24. Add New Side Frame


1.      Complete the interface.

a.       Use the trademark lookup () to open the Trademark Select panel to select the Foundry Facility Code. Refer to Exhibit 22.

b.      The Component Defect Flag (C007) is for Railinc Administrators only.

2.       Return to Step 9 for Save instructions and troubleshooting.

Add Wheelsets

Exhibit 25. Add New Wheelset (1. Base Elements)

1.      Complete Section 1. Base Elements and scroll to the Section 2. Axle.

Exhibit 26. Add New Wheelset (2. Axle)


2.      Complete Section 2. Axle and scroll to the Section 3.

Exhibit 27. Add New Wheelset (3. Wheel Group 1–Wheel 1)


Exhibit 28. Add New Component (3. Wheel Group 1–Roller Bearing 1)


3.      Complete Section 3 and scroll to Section 4. Wheel Group 2.

Exhibit 29. Add New Wheelset (4. Wheel Group 2–Wheel 2)


Note:   If Wheel 2 is the same as Wheel 1, check the box to automatically fill the fields.


Exhibit 30. Add New Wheelset (4. Wheel Group 2–Roller Bearing 2)


Note:   If Bearing 2 is the same as Bearing 1, check the box to automatically fill the fields.


4.      Return to Step 9 for Save instructions and troubleshooting.