Getting Started
The Umler application is accessed using the Railinc Single Sign On (SSO), which can be accessed from the Railinc portal at The SSO log in is located at the upper right of the page.
To log into the Umler application:
5. Open the browser.
6. Open the Railinc portal at
7. Log in to SSO (at upper right).
8. On the Launch Pad panel, select Umler.
a. If the user represents two or more companies, the Select Your Company page is displayed (Exhibit 7).
Exhibit 7. Select Your Company
Select the link for the company wanted. The Umler Welcome page is displayed
(Exhibit 8).
Note: To do work for a different company, select the Launch Pad link and reselect Umler and choose the other company. Alternatively, open a new browser window (File>New Window), select the Launch Pad link and reselect Umler and choose the other company. Toggle between the two company sessions using Alt+Tab. When finished working with multiple sessions, close the unwanted window using X, or Alt+F4. Do NOT select the sign out link—it ends the Single Sign On sessions (all of them).
b. If the user represents only one company, the Umler Welcome page is displayed
(Exhibit 8).
Exhibit 8. Umler Welcome
Continue by selecting a Component Registry application menu item (refer to Exhibit 9). The Component Registry menu has the following functions:
Exhibit 9. Component Registry Application Menu Functions
Allows the authorized user to search for, edit, delete, add, and upload components (Exhibit 11). |
Allows the authorized user to associate a component with an equipment ID (Exhibit 60). |
Opens the Query submenu (Exhibit 85). |
Select the Launch Pad link to end an Umler session. The user returns to the SSO Launch Pad.
If multiple SSO applications are open (in separate browser windows), and the users wants to close only one, close the unwanted window using X, or Alt+F4. Do NOT select the sign out link—it ends the entire Single Sign On session (and all applications).