
Exhibit 204. Upload/Download Menu

Description: U:\Technical Writer\Umler\Graphics\EMISUmnu.PNG

Exhibit 205 describes the tasks available on the Upload/Download menu.

Exhibit 205. Upload/Download Menu Items and Descriptions

Menu Item


Metadata Reference File

Allows the user to download a revised metadata reference file.

Bulk Upload Transactions

Allows the user to upload CSV formatted records, such as pool assignments, Equipment Management codes, and car grade inspections.  This includes both new and corrected records.

Upload Corrected Notices

Allows the user to upload corrections or updates to CSV transactional records associated with received notices. This includes CSV-formatted text files.

Request EMIS 3.2 Refresh

Allows the user to resynchronize the company’s local copy of the Umler pool and equipment data following an interruption of messaging or an error occurring at the company site for Umler 3.2.  The refresh functionality is not intended to synchronize a company’s local system with the complete Umler master file. The refresh functionality does not replace master data extracts.

Request EMIS 3.1 Refresh

Allows the user to resynchronize the company’s local copy of the Umler pool and equipment data following an interruption of messaging or an error occurring at the company site for Umler 3.1.  The refresh functionality is not intended to synchronize a company’s local system with the complete Umler master file. The refresh functionality does not replace master data extracts.