Company-Specific Equipment Groups

Company-Specific Equipment groups are private pools of equipment that are only available to the company specified. Umler allows you to assign and remove equipment from company-specific equipment groups.

Exhibit 162. Company-Specific Equipment Groups Submenu

Description: U:\Technical Writer\EMIS\Graphics\E_Mcgmnu.PNG

Exhibit 163 describes the options on the Company-Specific Equipment Groups submenu.

Exhibit 163. Company-Specific Equipment Groups Items and Descriptions

Menu Item


Search Group

Allows a user to search for and view Company-Specific Equipment groups.

Create Group

Allows a user to create a new Company-Specific Equipment group.

Add Equipment to Group

Allows a user to add equipment to a Company-Specific Equipment group.

Remove Equipment from Group

Allows a user to remove equipment from a Company-Specific Equipment group.

Move Equipment Between Groups

Allows a user to move equipment between Company-Specific Equipment groups.