
The Maintenance Inspections function is used to record inspection and service data for equipment.

To record inspections and services:

1.      Select Maintenance>Inspections. The Inspections page is displayed (Exhibit 148).

Exhibit 148. Inspections

Description: U:\Technical Writer\Umler\Graphics\M_I_menu.PNG

2.      Select the link for the inspection or service to be recorded. The corresponding page for that inspection is displayed. Because many of the inspection pages are similar, only one description is provided for each unique interface, as shown in Exhibit 149.

Exhibit 149. Inspection/Service Processing


Processing Flow Reference

·     Air Brake Test

·     Autorack Certification

·     Autorack Repair

·     Door Lube Inspection

·     Reflectorization Event

·     Vehicular Flat Car Certification

Air Brake Test

·     Autorack Inspection

Autorack Inspection

·     Car Grade Inspection

Car Grade Inspection

·     Locomotive Air Brake Inspection

·     Locomotive Annual Inspection

·     Locomotive Cab Signals Inspection

·     Locomotive Quarterly Inspection

·     Locomotive RCL Inspection

Locomotive Air Brake Inspection

·     Locomotive Inspection Due Date Update

Locomotive Inspection Due Date Update

·     Locomotive Storage Event

Locomotive Storage Event


Note:   Selecting equipment, highlighting an inspection action from the query results page drop-down (Exhibit 49), and selecting OK navigates directly to the corresponding inspection pages described in the following sections.